Along with 375 pastors and leaders from all over Thailand, I participated this week in meetings in Bangkok. The Motto is:
I really enjoyed getting to know many dedicated and good Christian leaders. At the same time, I see more and more two types of goals for church growth, also here in Asia:
b) We are a Church Planting Movement (CPM) in the society. We reach out to others, who reach out to others, who reach out to others etc. In the midst of the society.
I enjoy good meetings in a large "perfect" Church buildings, but in terms of a more rapid Church planting, I believe 100% that the best way to see the Kingdom of God grow is working with National Pioneer Workers who go out and ... become part of the community.
I was glad that I took part in these meetings, although the pioneer spirit was not as prominent as I hoped. Even thought, I returned home to Chiang Mai more "on fire" on CPM than when I went.
And by the way, a) and b) do not have to (in proper proportions) exclude each other. Ingvar