22 september 2020

New Calling to the Church with it`s Mission

Being invited to a fresh meal is always a blessing. Also to a good spiritual meal. This Sunday in Ed, (where I was born) this word came to me as new fresh food from God himself. I heard again the calling: 2 Cor 10: 15-18 

Wonderful Calling to the Church with its Mission

15…we shall be greatly enlarged by you in our sphere,               

Growing here


16 to preach the gospel in the regions beyond you,                      

So.. beyond with Pioneer preaching 

and not to boast in another man's sphere of accomplishment.     

Not stealing others success


17 But "he who glories, let him glory in the Lord."                    

Glory to God

18 For not he who commends himself is approved,

. but whom the Lordcommends. 

The Lord is my leader

These days, you can lock yourself up because of fear of others and become more-than-usual selfish. Lose your joy, more-than-usual. And become more lonely than-ever.

Now is the time for the CHURCH with it`s MISSION to be more shining God`s Glory than-usual.

I met a Christian businessman the other day. He really “infected” me with a big dose of hope and enthusiasm. I also saw that the other business-people around him were also filled with GOING now. They did not say: After Corona all will be good.  

Several CHURCHES and MISSIONS are now looking for a new way of working. Karin in Kvarnsveden now 90 years old is still a great blessing for us and many. She said last weekend when we talked about Church with it`s Mission: We must be one step ahead.

So dear friends, even these days of Corona pandemic let not the circumstances rule over you. And when next crisis comes we can be prepared even better by: Be steps ahead. Right? God's Holy Spirit wants to lead us before, during and after all crises.


                                 My brother Rune and I in Ed 20 Sept 2020.

7 september 2020

Be Blessed ---- and bless others

We can all feel we have differant kind of problems, but I feel very blessed comparison to many people that are constantly struggling .... down there, feeling they have hit the bottom. 

Outside they look OK, they do their job, but inside they have given up. 

Remember dear friend, JESUS is down there with you on the bottom.               

This truth has blessed me after a very good weekend in 3 churches and 2 homes. I am now on my way home to Bleket.
