16 september 2012

Do I dare?

The last week we started to plan and pray over the work of INTERACT 2013. At the same time God has been speaking about reaching the most unreached parts of Thailand with the Gospel of Jesus. One area to work with National Pioneer Workers has been becoming more and more urgent for us: Ubon Ratchathani (อุบลราชธานี).

The challang is that among 21 million people in Issan (Eastern Thailand), there are only 0.15% Christian. And in the province of Ubon Ratchathani (อุบลราชธานี) among 1.6 million there are only 0,115% Christians.

As we work on the plan for 2013 we ask ourselves; Do we dare to go for it?

I am recalling the motto of William Carey 1790:

One thing is certain: We need both God and ... many many people's participation to do this. We have a big and important calling on our table. Do we/I dare to move forward? Ingvar