18 oktober 2024

Anna needs a hernia operation.

After Anna's gallbladder surgery in June 2021, she has had a large abdominal hernia.(10x15 cm) She has now been given time for surgery on October 30th in Kungälv. So on Thursday Anna went to Sweden. Returning to Ubon on 12 Nov. Thank you that you pray for her in Sweden and me here in Ubon.

10 oktober 2024

Good Report from 22 days Sweden

The 1 Oct Ajarn Boy, Khun Art and Khun Fang came back after a blessed 22 days in Sweden. From 9 to 30 Sept they visited 12 places. Also the Children`s Missions 40 years celebration. We are happy for a good cooperation with Barnmissionen. 

We are getting good reports about very good meetings with many open hearts. Thank you all who opened your hearts for them and the work we do here in Ubon-Pakse.


We are happy about the development here in Ubon. Last Saturday we had around 50 children. Last Sunday, the Church was full with people around 100 people. Many came at 10:00 and stayed until 16:00-17:00. They feel at home and ... are blessed  under an Open Heaven. 

What transforms people's lives are meetings with God, not a nice religious program. Moses said: “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.

In all we do, always and everywhere the presence of God is

Children are now having school holiday and we look much forward to an extra Mini Olympics with them the 17th Oct.

Have a blessed October month in God`s presence.

8 september 2024

Happy 3 coworkers now are going to Sweden. Meet them.

We are very happy that 3 of our Thai coworkers are now going to Sweden for 22 days. They will 4 days participate in the Children's Mission's 40-year conference in Malmö 25-28 September. The partnership we have with the Children's Mission in Malmö is very creative and positive.


Plus .... also that they visit 11 other places to bless Sweden. Many came today to the airport here in Ubon to Bless-Them-Off. 

Anna and I are happy to be a bridge-maker between people. But now also that the nationals also become Mission-bridge-builders..
        Come to these gatherings. Meet them ... and be blessed.

If you can't meet them... pray for the pioneering work here and support this start-up-work in Isaan-Laos.

God Bless from Ingvar (Fred) and Anna

21 augusti 2024

"Go inside and warm (cool) yourself in the Church".

My experience in life is that wherever I am, I need the fellowship in Christian family community. This testimony by Linda Berling is very powerful: 

My friends and I were going to join a political demonstration in Uppsala. I was waiting for them outside a church when I suddenly heard a voice saying 

"Go inside and warm yourself in the Church". 

I answered loudly and angrily. "Never in my life will I go into a church."

But it was as if I was being pulled in. The day after this, I went with some to a revival meeting. There I become a Christian. 

Linda experienced God`s presence in there and works now with great eagerness to welcome others into the warmth. I am grateful for all the good things I got as a child from the warmth of Töftedal's Mission Church in Dalsland, even if I didn't understand everything and ..... slept during many meetings.  

We are now working purposefully here in Ubon-Pakse to welcome people who need Christian family-community. Many here live back home in broken family relationships and Streams of Grace becomes a wonderful living and loving family.

Locking yourself in your own world is dangerous. We need each other to be helped and to be able to help others. We need advisors. "Where there is no counsel the people fall: but in the multitude of counsel there is safety". Proverbs 11:14-15. 

The best thing in life is to dare to become part of a living biblical church community. 

Acts 3:20 "and times of new life (revival, rest) come from the face of the Lord and he sent ......Jesus. 

We may think: "I am not good enough to go to a church" or "Those who are there are not good enough". But we are all good enough in the Biblical church community. No congregation is perfect, but it pulses with the presence of Jesus and becomes our spiritual family. 

".....in every way grow up to him who is the head, Christ. By him the whole body is joined together and held together by the support which each joint gives, with the power distributed to each individual part. So the body gets his growth and builds himself up in love Eph 4:15-16

Enter and warm yourself in the Christian community. Jesus is there with his heavenly Agape love and there is God's Open Heaven.

Ingvar (Fred)

15 augusti 2024

Life with Jesus - the whole Life - is the best.


We are happy that we have found Jesus the good shepherd. We need him the whole life. We can never become good enough people by ourselves. 

No No No .... we all need Jesus. Let us understand that we never can become good enough in ourselves by our good deeds. But when Jesus is in us we can do good deeds ... to help and bless others. Let us all in the churches have an open door, full of grace for us all. 

Anna came back to Ubon the 28th June and Ingvar on the 1st Aug. We are happy to see all that God is doing. Mark 4:26-29 is powerful: And Jesus said,

“The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”

Let us sow many seeds, take care of all weak plants, waterering them  +++ even if we do not know or understand how it grows, and be active in the harvest. 

We are happy that God is doing much more among us than we can understand. 

Today we had a Board meeting of Together for the Nation Foundations and... we all are very happy about what God is doing and what we can do together in the different projects.   

We can do a lot of Prevention
We can do a lot of Rescue
But only God can do Restoration

Thank you for your participation and prayers.

Greetings from Ingvar(Fred) and Anna

27 juni 2024

On the way..... to Ubon.

Today and tomorrow Anna is going to Ubon. I'm going July 31. We are happy for our home asignement year in Sweden 2023-2024. Thank you all dear pioneer-mission-friends for the inspiration we have received in the Churches-with-its-Mission. We are grateful for fellowship and encouragement you have given us. Pray we also have been able to be a blessing back to you.
"For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine". Rom 1:11-12 

Be put on fire for God.... is the best in life.

God Bless Ingvar & Anna