30 maj 2019

Co-workers are making a great differance.

I attended a prayer meeting last night here at Tjörn, Sweden and the leader of the meeting  said:        "I have something I want to share with you 
                             and pray with you over, 
  because you know what it is to go through tough things in life".

So we took some time to pray for people who right now are having a dark tough time. We prayed that God's Light will shine right into their present situation. We sang songs, read the Word of God, and was encouraged by testimonies. Life is not a show business. Life is reality. To be genuine ... is the only way to win.                                                                                                        
We are looking back on very good 8 months in Ubon-Pakse. The work is developing and giving meaning to life and rescue for many. 

Now we are in Sweden, Anna 10 weeks and I 11 weeks. We hope to meet you and share the life in Ubon-Pakse with you. We are so happy for the co-workers we have serving God and people with great zeal in both Ubon and Pakse. They make a difference - in the midst of the common people.
The word Rom 1.11-12 is ringing in me:
                                                    For I long to see you, 
that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, 
so that you may be established 
that is, that I may be encouraged together with you 
by the mutual faith both of you and me.


23 maj 2019

You = me and You = You

This morning I woke up and wanted a morning-refresher from the word of God. I opened the bible and I read from Matt 11:28-29:
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.   
I heard 2 meaning of the word YOU.

You = me. God is speaking personally to me that I will COME to Him and LEARN from Him. I say; Yes Lord…. I am willing.

Also this morning the word came: 
You = You 

Today we are going to Sweden for 2 months. Anna up to 6th Aug and I up to 14th Aug. We have wonderful co-workers in Ubon-Pakse and we will now this summer do what we can do from Sweden. But the main word this morning was: They will COME to Jesus and they will LEARN from Jesus.

Life includes both: I Come and learn so I can be strong. But also
I come to Jesus and learn from Jesus so others will be stong.

This is our Summer 20129 prayer.  Ingvar(Fred)

12 maj 2019

Hands On and Domino-effect-movements

I preached today how Paul on the Road to Damascus heard God`s voice: (Acts 9):
“Then the Lord said to him, Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”(v6)

Inside Damascus, Ananias heard God's voice:
11 So the Lord said to him, “Arise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he is praying." (v 11)

Ananias first objected. “But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel”. (v15)

God also spoke to us in Ubon today about:
Many (out there) in Isaan and Laos are in great distress and are hearing God calling them.
When we (in here) obey God's voice:

 Nr 2. We do what we can. Much happens as we are "Hands on",
 Nr 1. But the most important thing is that what we do becomes living examples and              that all will become positive domino-effect-movements here in Isaan and                  Laos.
We like both these parts. Ingvar (Fred)

7 maj 2019

Fresh Food .... the whole life

Every Friday evening the Streams of Grace Church in Ubon is having a Basic Bible Study for “ordinary” people. We are happy to build up the people of Isaan in this way.  

Yesterday we attended a GRADUATION ceremony for 15 Church Leaders here in Ubon. This is a Bible School by Extension from Chiang Mai run by CCI. We have assisted Lampuang and 2-3 more to study 2 years in this class. They were greatly blessed.

All needed. As Isaan and southern Laos is a very “dry” and “dark” place all kinds of Bible Education is needed. Only, it has to be God`s Living, Fresh and Sprit filled food. Just religious knowledge is not helpful, as there are many spiritual forces here attacking the believers and the ministrers.  

Internet. Some are these days feeding themselves also by tuning into different Bibles Studies and Church services on the Internet.  

Still mostly the people receive spiritual food during the Sunday worship services. We pray that every Church service will be providing Living, Fresh and Sprit Filled spiritual food. People are hungry. 


God bless you.... with much Good, Living, Fresh and Sprit Filled food today. 

Welcome PJ (Born 3rd May at 01:30), son of Jom and Rose, brother of Daniel and Grace. PJ be blessed among us. You will make many to experiance PJ = Peace and Joy.

 Ingvar (Fred)