25 juni 2021

Dear Thai and Lao friends

To all our dear Thai and Lao friends. Hope and pray you are well. 
We have just had a blessed Friday service. Go in..... and be with us. We have anointed worshippers and Ajarn Boy is an anointed Bible teacher. 

Klick here and be with us via Streams of Grace Church Facebook live.

We are sending out live Thai time Friday 18;30 and Sunday 10:30. Welcome to join us.      Ingvar (Fred)

19 juni 2021

Walk closer with JESUS

This Corona time many are confused and depressed. The only way I see is that we need to walk more closely with JESUS than ever.  



"......Take heed to the ministry 
which you have received in the Lord, 
that you may fulfill it.
Col 4:17 

So we can be a blessing for maaaaaany. 

God bless you. Ingvar (Fred)

13 juni 2021

Up date

Thank you everybody for the you prayers for Anna.                                                                          

She came home last night after 4 days and 3 nights in hospital. She's feeling much better now. But feel weak. Thank you Jesus for the healing that is going on in her body right now.

Today she came to Streams of Grace Church and received intercessional blessings. It is absolutely wonderful to have brothers and sisters like all of you, who are walking with us in the stream of grace from God himself into the communities.

You can also join our service today. Fantastic praise and ...... I really enjoyed preaching the Word of God. Sorry the pictures disappeared towards the end. Click here.

Anna has now rebooked her ticket to Sweden to be 1 July 2021.

Tomorrow, the schools start here after the extended summer vacation. It will be wonderful for the children, who have been mostly inside their homes for 3 months, to now finally have something to do. Have a good week of grace.

Ingvar (Fred)

10 juni 2021

143 gall-stones

Anna struggled for 7-10 days with pain in her body. On Tuesday she went to the hospital and they found with the help of Ultra-sound a lot of gallstones. Yesterday noon she was operated on for 3 hours and they picked out 143 gall-stones. No wonder she had pain.

So now Anna needs a speedy recovery, before she travels (positively) on June 17 from Bangkok to Sweden. Grateful for you prayers.

We can often in life asks ourselvs: Why does this happen? It feels so unnecessary. We just can not understand what this is good for.

But, one day we will understand. And meanwhile: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Rom 8:28

Do not fear, nor be afraid; Have I not told you from that time, and declared it? 

You are My witnesses. 

Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one.' 

Isa 44: 8

Don Moen sings so good: Someone is praying for me. Click here and listen.

Thank you for being: Someone Praying for us and others here in Ubon-Pakse.


5 juni 2021

The bondage burned up


All words have power. God's Word in particular. We can easily understand theoretically what the Word means, but only when we see how the Word works in the harsh reality ..... it becomes life.

The last few days I have been chewing on:  "Look!" he answered, "I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."   Dan 3:25


3 people were tied up and thrown into the burning furnace. 3 came out unharmed, loose and free. It was only their shackles that burned up.

The Son of God Jesus was the

The Son of God; Jesus was there. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever". Heb 13:8. Och han ha lovat oss: "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you". John 14:18 

God`s Word = promises also works wonderfully here in Ubon-Pakse.



Ingvar (Fred