Do you know what? For 2 days ago it was time again, after 89 days, for me to sit up on our Honda Dream 100cc. Surely I drove carefully, bought a new good helmet and kept good space to other vehicles. Someone could, like on the 24th January, change traffic lane all of a sudden. Good to have more margins, in the traffic.
It was not easy to sit up on the bike again. It has given my much pain, but my decision was well thought over and ……. I had the blessing of Anna. There is something (or better to say someone) inside me saying: Do not give up, due to difficulties”. Since many years I have had an inner vow: “Problems are not going to be my Lord”.
But I can`t be foolish. I want to use these last 90 days of learning experience.
Often we might first think, when we have obstacles ahead of us: “Better to give up!” But after sometime we realize:”Better to conquer this mountain”.
It’s good to hear these words again and again: “Do not give up! There is a way forward”. Thank you Jesus that you are a much better Lord - than the problems. Ingvar