I had a clipart, it was beautiful. I copied it over and …… it started to move. I got happy and it spoke to me.
We can be a nice-looking stagnant peacemaker. A symbol, a sign and an icon. But … only when we start to move, more will happen.
Now, we feel helpless and weak. We can not produce any peace, grace, forgivness or reconciliation. Only when we allow God to touch us and the Holy Spirit to fill us, we can fly by His provision.
There is a genuine grace, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation that He only can produce and give us. 2 Cor 5 says:
v.17 we are a new creation
v.18 we are reconciled with God
v.18 we have received the ministry of reconciliation
v.19 committed to us the word of reconciliation
v.20 we are ambassadors for Christ
Come Holy Sprit… and move among us! Ingvar