28 januari 2012

Like an Orange in the juice machine

Hezekiah spread his issues of concern before the face of God (Is. 37). He was threatened and 'squeezed' by his enemy.

When crisis' are increasing and we feel were are crunched and squeezed on every side, like an orange in the juice machine.
When we know the only option is: To enter the prayercloset and before God spread it out before the Lord. Do it!

I sat in my 'closet' drawing in my diary. There were three areas like three puzzles. One was Kambodja and the work which Mariam and Phil are involved in. The second was theTree of Life, which is going through a transition and there are many pieces in the puzzle yet to find their place, but for every step it is a walk on a slack rope over the Niagara Falls. Let the third will stay untold today.

I needed to concretize every prayer, so I took to pen and paper and specified every situation. Well this has been my life for some time. But when the 'closet-time' is up, and I close my diary I have left it in God's hand.

Then one morning Lampuang, one of my Thai friends came and asked to show me a dream she just had. She drew a puzzle and said: Jesus came to me in the dream and pointed to the puzzle and told, that you had done the right thing ;-)

I laughed, excuse me, but Jesus often has a funny way of encouraging us.

Hezekiah knew that God was mightier than all his enemies and used this ancient tool: PRAYER.

Since then good news is trickling in about situations changing and prodigals coming home etc.

Let us not forget, in our so often crunched and squeezed lives; that there is ONE who is ready to listen and happy do what we ask Him to.

With Love
