13 november 2011


I have just returned from 19 days working in different projects in India and in Pakistan.

So good to be in the Communities. I enjoy being with the ordinary people in their daily life.... in their society.

So good to be with the Church members. I am always blessed to be in the midst of the Church members. And the Body of Christ is growing these days. The believers are dedicated and ministers, as the Body of Christ.

So good to be in partnership with different National organizations. To see the national organizations rising up as a tool for transformation in the communities and churches, it is encouraging.

And so good to meet and work with all the wonderful leaders. More and more I feel blessed to connect and stand side by side with the national leaders. They have a hard work and ….. very open for partnering as leaders.

I see everywhere and open door of Cooperation with communities, churches, organizations and leaders. We work seriously on developing the partnership and cooperation with these groups in Good Governance, administration and implementation. No one of us wants to be a blind donor, but to be active in full partnership. Ingvar