And leaving a nature dressing itself in the most beautiful autumn colors, yellow, orange, red. The forest offering us its harvest of beautiful mushrooms, all for free, just a little exercize and a few hours of cleaning.
As I was leaving the news of a flooded CM reached me, but the day I landed the water had already receded leaving damages for many households, but we were safe. But flooding continues and there is disaster in many district and now even in Bangkok itself
On the 11th of October Ingvar wanted to hold onto his promise to our family: to give mom a dog. Noah, a golden labrador came along and left us again already after 8 days with us. It broke our hearts even if it is just a dog.
The day Noah died I was leaving for Mae Tom, Omkoi district for a youth camp 3 hours drive from CM. This beautiful mountainous area with a beautiful population of majority Karen people.
As my friend and I walked up the stairs to enter the church and heard the worship of more than 1000 young people, and it was like you enter into the throne room of God hearing the worship from angels and tribes of many tongues worship Jesus with all their hearts. All sorrow and sadness just are washed away and there is only one thing that matters. JESUS.
With Love Anna