Ingvar himself wants you to see what he looks like right now. As you can see most of the injuries are on the inside and not outside. He may have a bit more understanding as far as his injuries if some of the fractures were visible.
Isn’t that true for our lives as well: there are many things that we can’t see below the surface that cause problems and pain. Today he has gotten his PDA back. He has even taken a look at the blogg, but then fatigue hit him. Short periods of concentration. The brain needs time to rest. The hemoglobin level is still low, so he has received another two bags of blood today. At five this afternoon he was moved from the ICU to the ward. A private room on the tenth floor with a view over the city. Ingvar thought it was so peaceful and quiet. From eleven this morning it feels like it has turned a little. However, there are more difficult news for him to take in. Time he has to recuperate, work-related issues and questions and much more.
Pray that the joy of the Lord will break through from the inside. Love, Anna