I would like to thank ALL friends praying for Ingvar. Churches and individuals among many we barely know. Many have formed prayerchains and some are fasting. Others help us with practical things or encourage, send sweet textmessages, cook lovely food and place it in our refrigerator, do our grocery shopping and other errands so that we can sit with Ingvar. Some of you free us of tasks that were previously booked.
We are overwhelmed by all this loving and caring. I wish that I could thank all of you personally, but that is impossible. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if these prayers didn’t rise up to the Father’s heart. What we sow we will also reap, and I pray that you will reap 100-fold of our Father’s goodness in return. I think that Ingvar is already reaping it now. It says...... those who refresh others... shall themselves be refreshed.One of Ingvar’s gift from God is to encourage others, now he is reaping the fruits of this to the fullest and we as a family are also taking part of it.
So, a rose (orchid) to ALL of you!
Love, Anna