Can beds grow longer?
Ingvars right foot keeps on sneeking out past the bed frame, getting cold. The bed is too short. Ingvar is a tall Swede in a bed made for small Thai. We call the foot Emil(the Swedish would know who Emil is). When discussing what to do Barbro had a solution: I know that Anita Barker prays for legs to grow and they do. I wonder if she can pray for beds to grow too. We need a miracle.
The drainage placed in the temporal lobe was removed today. The neurosurgeon said; In 1-2 days you can be discharged. We answered there is more to Ingvar than the head. he has a pelvis which is not yet ready to leave the hospital. Tomorrow the stitches on the head will be taken. Freedom is increasing by the day. But there is still a long road to go.
Love Anna