10 februari 2018

3 Safe Modes needed

I am still after 45 years in Missions a learner and a disciple. I still need many more learning experiences. Here in a pioneer area like Ubon-Pakse there are much to learn together with the local people. In India, for many years ago, someone said to me:                                                                    

We are now working here on how to have following 3 modes in-place:

Safe Mode 1.  Prevention mode. Prevention is the act of stopping something from happening or of stopping someone from doing something:

Safe Mode 2. Equipping and discipleship mode. This is to teach the Bible, while modeling and guiding us all together toward living righteously as followers of Jesus Christ.

Safe Mode 3. Rebuilding and restoration mode. To bring life back to a former, original or normal condition.

We could put these 3 Modes on a scale like
Mode 1.
Mode 2. 
Ordinary building up
Mode 3.

Yesterday came a mother to the Center with her daughter to get help at the court. She is indeed in a restore-Mode. She will come back on Monday for more assistance. Tomorrow a team will go to another place for a "restoration" work. 

This plus much more is all how children can come back to normal life again. And it takes long time and ... they need much help. It is easy to ruin a child but it is hard to restore the damages.   

Music is a very good tool for restoration. 

Let`s learn and do all 3 more and more. Ingvar