21 februari 2018

To speak from our hearts

We are many millions (may be billions) over the whole earth that have been blessed over the years by Billy Graham. He became 99 years old.
Once, many years ago, I heard Billy Graham preaching and I was struck by that he did not make the Gospel complicated. He preached a simple gospel, but with authority. Billy Graham had a clear voice, but I understood that he believed what he said and he made the gospel easy for us all to understand .... by heart.

We missionaries sometimes struggle because we feel limited in language. We can not go as "deep" as we like. Perhaps the answer is: "....deep speaks to deep...." when we are simple and we allow God to speak with power and authority right into everyone's heart.

The answer is that when I speak from my heart ...... people will understand. And when others speak from their heart ..... I will understand them.
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