18 september 2017

Loving Jesus, loving HIS family

After hours of listening and trying to read both the lines and between them, my head was full but it felt more like it was empty. Ingvar and I had a very late lunch  together and extended it to a coffee as well, we just needed to digest all information, sort it into appropriate boxes of understanding. Pheeeewww!
Coming home I just longed to rest my eyes on the trees and flowers of the garden and my ears to the flowing water of the fountain. Feeling a bit rested I had a shower and showers a good for downloads!!
I was seeking God for a follow up meeting tomorrow. From what angle do I approach this task. As a mentor, advisor, how can I be neutral, honouring yet bring clarity and hope.

This is what I heard:
''This group has all the potential to succeed, because
1. Each and everyone is a true lover of Jesus.
2. They love the people of Isaan.
3. They are committed to serve Jesus.
4. Our righteousness is not their own and from their own strivings but from Jesus alone.''
Now I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Loving Jesus, loving HIS family.