Things are moving. During times of world crises many are seeking help and strength from others and even more - from God.
People are moving. This time of the year many are moving to their home countries or to Asia. I am in touch with some families that are moving the coming weeks. To move from meaningful och homely involvements – is not easy. Some experience this to be serious live crises. But in midst if this all, there are 3 steps: In trouble it helps me to ask:“Why do I have to go thought this time of testing?” The best answer for me is: “I will come out stronger”. Sometime we need to fight to survive so we can come back to normal, but the aim is: I will come through stronger!
We will now move – for 2 month. It is now settled that this our present term in Asia will be extended one more year. We are positive to go to Sweden the 10th June and return to Chiang Mai the 11:th August for one more year. Ingvar