Many in Isaan and southern Laos are lonely and starving on TLC (tender loving care: kindness, love, and attention). Do not see a way out. "Not strong enough to fix a change by themselves". We all need God and other people.
He is with me even the test-days.
The phrase "What would Jesus do?" WWJD, became particularly popular in the early 1900s, following the 1896 novel In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? by Charles Sheldon.
Anna, Rebecca and Nittaya are now 3 days in Laos.
I was again been encouraged this morning by Cliff Richard. Klick here. He is now 84 years old. Born 1940 in Lucknow India.
16 åring skall bli ensamstående mamma. Hon vill läsa vidare, men ......hur skall det gå till?