10 oktober 2024

Good Report from 22 days Sweden

The 1 Oct Ajarn Boy, Khun Art and Khun Fang came back after a blessed 22 days in Sweden. From 9 to 30 Sept they visited 12 places. Also the Children`s Missions 40 years celebration. We are happy for a good cooperation with Barnmissionen. 

We are getting good reports about very good meetings with many open hearts. Thank you all who opened your hearts for them and the work we do here in Ubon-Pakse.


We are happy about the development here in Ubon. Last Saturday we had around 50 children. Last Sunday, the Church was full with people around 100 people. Many came at 10:00 and stayed until 16:00-17:00. They feel at home and ... are blessed  under an Open Heaven. 

What transforms people's lives are meetings with God, not a nice religious program. Moses said: “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.

In all we do, always and everywhere the presence of God is

Children are now having school holiday and we look much forward to an extra Mini Olympics with them the 17th Oct.

Have a blessed October month in God`s presence.