12 februari 2023

THANK YOU Jakob and Oth

We have had since 2016 several very good Interns. And as we are all a learning Community ... we all fit into the picture. 1 April 2022 Jakob (Laos) and Oth Thailand came from the Bible school in Prachuab. They have been a great blessing for all we do in the Church and all we do in Child Safe. Thank you Children's Mission (Malmö) for your participation in this. 

THANK YOU for all you have done .... these 10½ months. 
0% problems. 100% Blessings.
You have been 100% willing to serve wholeheartedly.

Yesterday they went back to Prachuap for Graduation and after that they will be one-month on holiday with their families and .... Praise God after that God is calling them back to Ubon. 
Welcome back in March-April 2023 to work one more year with us.

Ingvar (Fred)