9 november 2021

Lockdown - Lockup

It is easy to ”Lock Down” a society. Just put fear into the people and they will stay home, full of fear.   

But to ”Lock Up” a society is hard. After 1½ year it is not easy to be free from fear. Many places of work including schools are now opening up here in Thailand and Laos, but .... it is hard to adjust to the new normal. Many fear-factors are still in the minds.

People are coming to the Church, the Music Café and to Child Safe and are full of fear. Some had to come back from south Thailand and Bangkok to Isaan with a new family, and how do they adjust with the old family? And after 18 months of hardship, with increased loans many feel hopeless.

Some see no other solution than that children stop studying and start working? 

People are now coming and asking for help from us and God. What can we do?  


Some teens and also adults now need a big position of

                                         You have value.

                                         You have a future.

                                        You can make it.

                                        DO NOT GIVE UP.

Lock Up is much harder han Lock Down. At least for the poor and uneducated people. Now many can start moving around, but with many more loans than before Covid-19 come.

Pray for Isaan and Laos
