18 mars 2020

Today very happy

Today I became very very happy. Jho (he has another name) come to The Ubon Music Cafe/Church. He is living in a dangerous situation. One of the main reason for us to start The Ubon Music Cafe is to help children/teens like him. 

Ubon has many teenagers who are talented but they are testing everything and staying up the whole night often out on MC and …. making a lot of noise. But in the morning they are tired and don`t go to school. So after some time they drop out of school. It is hard to find out what makes them HIGH. I am asking people and they say: It is not alcohol. It is not drugs. It is medicine. They don’t look like they are alcoholic or drug addicts but are very confident and become very loud.

There are 3 steps to help
1. We do direct Prevention. We mentor them and guide them.
2. We do direct Rescue and rehabilitation.
3. We Encourage friends and relatives not to Give up on them but to do what they can do and … help others to spread awarness that helps others to help other.....

We cannot step into every situation and do the work but people are coming to us, being transformed and with a new hope they can help others around them.

Our prayer is that many will come in but ..... even if they dont they still will be encouraged to follow Jesus.. out there.   Fred