25 september 2019

Official Inauguration of Child Safe Foundation in Thailand.

Yesterday we had an very exiting day. It was the official opening ceremony of Child Safe Communities Foundation in Thailand. (= Monitee). Child Safe started January 2015 as a project under SPM but now the registration as a local Foundation was signed by the government 2nd of July 2019.

Representation from Police & Border Police, representative from Social Welfare, their shelter, several Churches, organisation and other individuals were present.

Our team did a wonderful job amidst other normal activities and floodrelief as well.
The activities in Thailand and Laos are the same but this means more cooperation with the government. This is a challenge. Some pictures from yesterday.

Our goal is to impact the roots of the society in Isaan and southern parts of Laos and to see the parents choosing to live with their children. And strengthen the childrens rights of safety. Educating them their rights to say NO. To prevent sexual exploation and trafficking.
Now we can do much more. 

Very grateful and proud of the staff God has brought to us.

To come down to the local people in need.