16 mars 2019

Where is my heart?

We people can try to solve problems by fleeing. But this “Conflict Solving” method will only make us to run the whole life. In Member Care we ask: 
                How can we help people who do not live in contact with their own heart? 
                                     They are here, but their hearts are "in another world".
What happens when we start fleeing:

1. We will lose our Will-Power. The Problems becomes our masters.
2. We will lose our love for the local people, lose the grace and all our complaint will take over. I will complain about employees, the boss, the traffic, the MC noise, the food, etc. I cannot find the rest in who I am, what I do and Gods leading. So I believe my only solution is to flee again. But to where?

"For God so loved the world that he gave Jesus..." to us. Into our hearts. Thank you, God, that your Fathers heart will help our hearts to be active, here and now. I can make a difference. I work in harmony with myself, with God Himself, and I get God's love for the people.   

A woman who moved here to Ubon told the other day:
I have always seen giving to others, as a loss.
Now I can give and experience joy and blessing in giving.
How can we have effective Member Care these days? We have projects, counselling, an open Church and grace with people who struggle. But perhaps the most important thing is that I myself have my Father's heart in my heart ... down here with the people. God help me.
Ingvar (Fred)