16 januari 2019

Better prisoner.... or a walking Mummie

I do not like the word Home Blind, but it is so easy to fall into being Home blind. Not to see all the the good and beauty we have in and around us. We can also become blind to all the wonderful people we have around us. We have wonderful coworkers here in Ubon-Pakse and in Sweden. I pray I will always see their beauty and their capacity. This is now our Ubon-Pakse team.
I can sometimes wake up in the middle of the night. Just Can't sleep. Since it has always been easy for me to sleep, I get first irritated and wonder: What is wrong with me?

But more and more when this happens, I start to hear the night cry: Help me! I spend some time to pray, listen to some worship and…. "eat" a little from the Word of God. After some time I fall asleep again.

2 photos is speaking to me:
The woman in prison, I do not know the name of. But the man outside the tomb is Lazarus, as Jesus and the people helped him alive and free. God has a wonderful plan where he wants us
  • To give us LIFE inside and outside the prisons.
  • To help us to help each other to be fully free.
The aim is not just to be a better prisoner .... or a moving Mummie. We need both God's and human help. Who put all these pads around Lazarus? And who put on the stone? The people. And now Jesus asks them to remove the stone and the pads: Make him free and let him go. John 11:44

This applies to all of us, especially it is important that we as leaders do not go around as good prisoners or living Mummies.

I am now preparing my selves for Sunday's preaching from John 11. Praying I will be able to share God`s Word in not just how to be a Good Prisoner or a Happy moving Mummie. But to come out in freedom with the help of Jesus and other people. Fred