14 juli 2018

Celebration together even if......

Celebration together means a lot to me wherever I live and work. It`s true that we these days over the internet can sit at home and watch wonderful meetings and conferences from all over the world. And I am also often blessed at home putting on some good worship and some good preaching. 

But still, I need the Celebration Together with others here locally in Ubon-Pakse. Be part of the church life. … where I live and work. 1 Tim 1:12 has spoken to me:

A. How can I “fix” everything? ------------- God gives me strength.
     I give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. My strength.
B. How can I be good enough? ------------ God believes in me.
     For he considered me to be faithful.
C. How can I serve God and people? ---- God has hired me.
     He appointed me to do His work.

Woow .... listen and receive God's personal words to you from 1 Tim 1:12.

On Friday we had a good and blessed Pastors monthly prayer Fellowship in a church in Det Udom. Very encouraging.

Some people say:    I love Jesus but I don`t love the Church.
                    I say:    I love Jesus and I love the Church.

Have a good Sunday. Ingvar(Fred)