7 mars 2017

Disciples makes disciples!

I sat with Lampuang one of my disciples today. She is very skilled in her gifting and we see good fruit in the lives of others from her ministry. We talked last year about finding someone in Ubon with similar gift and skills and whom she can help sharpen, mentor and build more into. Today it was time to follow up on this process.

She did find someone to invest in, someone that is willing to be mentored and trained. God told Sommai she would be trained by Lampuang. But when she met me with Lampuang she took for granted that I was the one to train her. Culturally you respect someone older and of course it was more tempting to be trained by a foreigner. I knew this was not my duty, and I would have robbed my disciple form the opportunity to multiply.  I could have ruined the growing process of my disciple by doing what she is called to do here.

Today we sorted this out. And I am glad the principle of training others who will train others, works. And I know that for this season in my life in Ubon-Pakse....: I do not take back the mantel that is already ''grabbed by Elisha'' but I am allowed to stand by and encourage from time to time.
Love Anna