7 maj 2016


Life contains of many small steps. Life is a journey, not big jumps. Acts 12 describes this very well. The congregation prayed and we see how:

God acts
Peter follows
God acts

In verse 10 we read: "..... they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord.." This of its own accord is from the Greek 'automate' = automatically. 

God is the master of opening iron doors (and glass doors) that we ourselves can not open. But the question is: Do we dare to approach a closed door? Take steps forward ... even though the door is closed.
Do we dare to go through even if we ourself are not controlling the openings and the closings?
And for us serving here in Ubon-Pakse it is our goal 

  • to dare to go forward
  • and to dare to challenge others to go forward                                                                  
  • It is not I who keeps the handle. This is the Kingdom of God.

... even if I am not controlling the door handle. Because this is the Kingdom of God. Ingvar(Fred)