30 december 2014

Thank you God and you coworkers for 2014

We look back on an intensive and inspiring  year 2014. 
  •      Thank you God for your mighty actions 2014. God, you have done much more in          and around us then what we could produce ourselves.
  •      Thank you coworkers for 2014. You have been a blessing to us.

Good to be in cooperation with God and each other. Together we can make it better and quicker.

According to: YouVersion studies which scriptures 164 million users shared and remembered most this year of 2014. Following verses were shared nearly 69 million times 2014: The Top 10 are:

Number One during 2014 is:
“And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Trust that this bible verse has blessed us ... plus the whole Word of God.

Be Blessed from heaven …. and from having many coworkers 2015. Ingvar