8 juni 2013

To be walking alongside....

To be walking alongside...

Sometimes we walk alongside someone for 10 years or more, sometime it is a week or just some hours listening to someone’s story. But being available walking with them, comforting, praying, crying or laughing with them is what we are supposed to do if we are friends and part of the community.

Today one of my friends found some ugly physical evidence of witchcraft in her home. Someone with a very sick mind was trying to force something to happen, using dark spiritual power. After destroying the cursed objects and praying to break the curse and harm they were meant to do, she recovered quickly from the symptoms of headaches, vomiting and confusion.

For days before this breakthrough I found myself sighing ‘’Father, oh Father HELP!!’’ almost all the time, and I was thinking: if ever Father will be bored with my sighing, it is now.

We walk alongside by, encouraging, praying, sighing, loving and cheering people on. We are not walking down here on this earth for ourselves but together and to make a difference together and for the Kingdom of God.

Love Anna