29 maj 2011

In Mongolia

I am now in Mongolia. Interesting. To work in Mongolia is new for me and a challenge, since January 1. On 1st May I handled over Laos to Josefin. And got Mongilia.
We, (my brother Rune and me) came to UB, (=Ulaan Baatar) and next day we went 170 km to FARM projects. Spent a day there and 165 km back, on dry ground. Some placed there were no road and one place it has not been raining the last 3 years.
Back in UB we have more project participation and a AGM.
It is good to start from the grassroots. From the poor and ordinary people and go on the administration and the good governance. All levels are needed, but we should never forgot: The people in need.
We are now starting the train back to UB. One day in UB and after that one day in Beijing.