15 november 2016

Welcomed immigrant

Yesterday Anna and I went to the Immigration and received our 1 year visa. Even if we had
all the papers …. we had a taste of how it is to be an immigrant. You never know how you will be treated. We have over the years met hard government officials in different countries always asking for more papers but also those who have been very very friendly and helpful.
Not until the stamp is in passport and in the Work Permit book do you know if you will be able to stay and continue the work or not.

Yesterday, the government officials treated us with the greatest possible kindness. Not a question. We got the feeling that they think they are doing a merit by helping us. In Thailand missionaries have a great Good Will and honor. Pray that we in all can live up to that.

Our job description is: Missionary. To preach the gospel and teach the Christian religion. Thank you Jesus for the mission you and the Thai Authorities have given us. And thank you dear Thais that you are welcoming us so warmly.

We walked out of the Thai Immigration today, grateful for the call of God and the kindness of the Thai people.

I hope and pray that immigrants to Sweden feel the same warm welcome coming to Sweden. Ingvar