31 december 2015

Let the Children show the way

We wish you all

 a Wonderful New Year 2016

This is our first time we are celebrating the new year apart from each other.
Ingvar in Ubon and I in Chiang Mai. Not intentional but circumstantial.
But I pray that every purpose in heaven for this season will be established.
Jesus said there is always a harvest. But we are sensing it is a great harvest time upon us.
And He said we should ask for laborers. And we agree. Please pray with us for willing laborers. In Ubon we need both those who harvest 
but also those who are willing to disciple. 
 It takes patience and humility and a lot of sacrificial living. Babies can not take care of themselves.
I am in Chiang Mai presently and my cry for the North is that they will start to share what they have recieved, to the rest of the nation.
Today I was told that it is the children in Chiang Mai that are hungry for God.
In Ubon we hear that it is the children that are inviting Jesus into their villages.
May the year of 2016 be a year when the children show the way for the adults into the kingdom of God.

29 december 2015

Impact & Gerda

As a missionary, we have many friends. I cannot count them all. We are touched when ordinarily people serve people in God's presence.

I like the word IMPACT (impressions, imprints, mark). They have done things, said good words (= blessed) and invited God's presence. And the power of God was visible.

Gerda Meinusch died Sunday the 20th of December She got up from bed in her home in Chiang Mai, but slipped and hit her head on a table next to the bed. She became 83.

Gerda was an unmarried missionary from Germany and worked mostly among the Karen people in Mea Sareang. Gerda had experienced God's Holy Spirit and was a fervent intercessor. Over the years Anna and Gerda became close friends. For many years they met 1 or 2 times per week and had lunch together.

Anna is now going to Chiang Mai to be with Joy and Sidney coordinating Funeral and Memorial Service. Funeral will take place in Mea Sereang as a Thank You for Gerda`s missionary service among them. The Memorial service will be on Sunday the 3rd Jan at ACTS Church of Chiang Mai.

The question today is: How can I do something that together with God's presence will produce and make an IMPACT (impressions, imprints, mark) much bigger than what I can produce my selves? Ingvar 

                                                           Christmas 2012 

23 december 2015

Christmas & New Year Letter ... to you.

Click here for the Side-by-Side Christmas letter 2015. 

Ingvar(Fred) & Anna

16 december 2015

Herod is not taking a break over Christmas

This sentence is running in my mind today. Like a moving billboard sign in neon letters.
Reading about him, I see someone that is terrified of loosing his power. The wise men told Herod there is a King of the Jews being born… according to the star they had seen.
A sign in the heavens told them of His birth.

Herod was breathing murder, and set out to have all boys under the age of 2 killed in Bethlehem and in all its districts.
As we have been intensely dealing with increasing exposure of Herodian acts to children during this year of digging deeper into the culture and the practices of Isaan, we recognize the spirit of Herod behind.  

The children, the innocent has always been sought, for added power or potency in bent and evil practices.

We long to take a break from hearing and seeing and involving our lives with the objects of these threats.  We would love to dwell in company where there is peace and joy and love and smorgasbord and bright shining innocent children who hasn’t been touched by the Herods yet. I wish for all the children of the world to not have to face the Herods. The destroyer of the innocent, the pure, the joy the delight of wonder….. and the trust.

But what I hear is ‘’Herod is not taking a break during Christmas’’ !

What do we do? What can we do? What is our responsibility?

Let’s be vigilant to protect the innocent, the trust and joy of the Children around us.
Let’s be wise. Let us be Father’s and Mother’s who turn our hearts to the children.
Let’s be generous to those whose dreams were shattered by war and now are at our doorsteps, or to those who never knew what safety was.
Let’s be good!

Heaven is weeping for the children. Will you join heaven in prayer for the children, for those that live in ‘hell’ today.  Pray that they will be found, that they will be safe. That there will be adults who loves in a pure way and sees and listens.

The same spirit that acted through Herod is terrified of loosing his power. He knows his end is coming.

But please don’t stop praying, don’t put down your armor or weapons of warfare this Christmas.

Love Anna

15 december 2015

Earthly assignment complete!

Our friend and colleague Lena Bäckdahl completed her earthly assignment 9th of Dec. She had just passed her 70th birthday. She served in three nations Bangladesh, Cambodia and Afghanistan and visited many more. Her favorite thing was to teach traditional birth attendants(TBA). She has been a blessing for many mothers and babies. 
Photo taken by Kjell Bonerfält in Afghanistan.

And she loved the local believers wherever she served. It is comforting to know she is now free of torment, free from suffering and in company with Jesus, never more alone.

Funeral will most probably take place the 7th January 11:00 in Filadelfia Church in Örebro. If anyone of you wants to send a condolence to the Funeral, you can do so via us. Please let us know on ingvaranna@loxinfo.co.th 

Lenas assignment is complete. But she will be missed! Anna

7 december 2015

Make a difference..... even today... even here.

Yes.... we all can make a difference..... with Jesus in the centre:


Have a good Advent season. Ingvar (Fred)