If I would be a new arrival here, there would be many occasions every day to be frustrated or irritated for everything does not function as in our home culture or according to our more well structured lives. But you learn to live with a smile on your lips, a big question mark in the mind and with a prayer int the heart: God Help Me!!
I started my day buying a plumbers tool for the toilet that hadn't functioned for a week, and a garbage container for the center as the roaming dogs tare the garbagebags apart, as they are left on the footpath outside the center according to the custom and for the garbage guys to pick them up. When I had delivered the stuff at the center, I decided to work from home today as the aircondition has broken down and my brain worked in slow motion because of the heat we've had for some time. At about 4.30pm I went back to the center, have an appointment with a lady needing help. A thunderstorm hits and the electricity goes off and the time becomes 7pm before I get to know that she is standing outside my gate at home. I'm closing down the center and I try to figure out in the dark what switches to turn off . Outside the thunderstorm has stopped(Thank God) and as I drive our MC towards home I'm crying for GREAT GRACE. I had just been reading an article about Great Grace and I knew that's what I need, right now.
And by the way, both the physical as well as the spiritual plumbing went well and for both types Great Grace was needed!
Love Anna