Who am I to question a husbands abundance of love to his unconscious wife, week after week, month after month. Who am I to judge the hopeless or someone not being worthy to be wasted energy on. If I set myself above life, then I set myself in a position which do not belong to me but to God.
Back to the solid rock foundation: That God so loved the world that He sent His own Son Jesus, so that whoever believes in Him will not be lost by have eternal life. God loves and seeks out the lost. God loves the hopeless and those who think they are worthless. For Him every individual is invaluably precious, whether born or unborn, unconscious or dying, healthy or sick, weak or strong, working or retired.
On the shelf it says: ‘’ Fixed Price’’ (unbargainable). On the pricetag: ‘’Invaluable Price’’. And on the stamp right across our lives says ‘’ Bought & Paid in full!’’ by the Blood of the Son of God. Here is no Half Price! and No Sale!
Yes!! This is GOOD!! Love Anna