27 november 2015

Sowing & reaping - the whole life in whatever we do.

The Law of Sowing & Reaping is valid the whole life.  

We came to IKEA in Bangkok last Friday and …. this text spoke to us.  

These good words are not just taken out of the blue. No, they are connected to reality. IKEA is indeed creative, new and inspiring.   

Now God who has created us can help us to be even much more creative, new and inspired in Church, in Mission and in the Community. I have noticed that good Sowing and good Reaping is always connected to:
Think on this: 
Creativity, newness and inspiration always goes together with organisation harmony in Good Governance, Clear Administration and Creative Implementation. Always. 

And .... Sowing & reaping is not only valid after graduation and before retirement. No No No. We are sowing & reaping the whole life in "Whatever we do...."  Ingvar