25 april 2021

Dear พี่น้อง

Dear พี่น้อง Thai and Lao, living in other countries or you are living in Thailand or Laos, but you can not join a Church, welcome to Streams of Grace Church Facebook.                    


                  The Church is having services on Facebook Live both on

                 Fridays 18:30      and     Sundays 10:30

             For the Church Facebook link click here.

                                     Welcome to visit live or afterwards.

       Today at the time of worship I really felt a strong urge to pray for you.

                                For the Church Homepage link click here.

                                                      God Bless.



15 april 2021

Pastor BK Biswas Siliguri, India became 88.

Pastor BK Biswas in Siliguri, India 
completed his earthly ministry at 
01:00 the 12th April 2021. 
He became 88 years old.

We just talked to his son Swapon and he shared about his fathers last months. Right up to the last evening he comforted all around him. 

           Pastor BK could not stop sharing the Good News to people 

                                     not even on his death bed.

Pastor BK truly had a great heart to preach to the lost. All of us who met him was inspired by his preaching the Good News. We visited his ministry in West Bengal and Sikkim many times and we were blessed.

Now let us pray for comfort for his family and near friends.  


Ingvar(Fred) and Anna

12 april 2021

God`s goodness is bigger.

Good to remind ourselves that God`s goodness is much bigger than the circumstances and challenges around us. It is important to grow in serving and in Leadership during good times as well as bad times. The years 2020 and 2021 is also included in our Track Records.

During times of testing in floods, tsunamis, COVID-19 and other catastrophes we learn maximal. When the Normal becomes the New Normal ….. only God himself can lead us. 

And ,,,,, let us freely and joyfuly share The Good News to all around us who are living in a lot of darkness. Yes living, like living in hell.

Klick on the blue text and sing along: This song has blessed many latelyWith text Klick on this.

Ingvar (Fred)



2 april 2021

Easter letter 2021


                             Click here to read our Easter letter 2021

Dropbox may ask and you must then click on: Or continue to website.
Hope you can read it.

Have a blessed Easter 2021.