23 april 2011

Happy Easter 2011

We have now in Sweden a warm and beautiful Easter Sunday. The winter in gone and the whole nature is full of Life. Flowers, leaves and green grass are coming up everywhere.
We wish you all, our dear friends, a blessed and meaningful Easter 2011
Ingvar & Anna

17 april 2011

Spring, when change is in the air.

It is spring, the sun has at last broken through the clouds, the flowers are breaking through the thawing ground and through layers of dead leaves they display the power of life, which generates change. It's spectacular and we are in awe every year when this takes place.

Change is in the air, a new time a new season- or so the word came through anyway in the morning service today. Then I skyped with a dear friend in Chiang Mai, she related that the word the pastor received as he waited on the Lord before the service was: change, and a new time is coming.

What a coincidence. No, I am old enough to have encountered this in waves again and again through the years, now communication is faster.

As God's Holy Spirit is one, He speaks through His children the same word ushering in a new season all over the world. The display of change is out there now. But keep on looking for the power of life breaking through the hard ground and covers of dead leaves, displaying that the Kingdom of God is here.

Love Anna