29 april 2020

Running work + relief work

Over the years in Asia we have been involved in many types of work, also differant relief work. Every catastrophe is different, but a common matter is that the poor always suffer the most.
In order to earn money many from Laos and Isaan have been working abroad or in other parts of Thailand mostly in the "Tourist Industries”. But, now this is not possible. 

When the people see no way to get-food-on-the-table, they start to borrow money. Too often with a usury (=extreme high interest) rates. And ... when they cannot pay back, their children, even if they are just teenagers, must quit school, start to work and pay back the debt. Or some sell land, motorcycle or other assets at a low price.

For the year 2020 Thailand expected to receive 35 million tourists and Laos more than 4 million. Now there are not many tourists here and when they will come back, nobody knows.

Sometimes we stop the usual activities and concentrate on only the Relief work. But this time the best, here in Ubon-Pakse, is to continue the usual activities + give additional food packages, as much as we can. Both Child Safe and in the Church Streams of Grace are in the communities and help those in our network. So the best is: 
                        Ordinary work  +  food    =   people in need are helped.

We are grateful for any contributions to the Food Bank in Child Safe and the Food Bank in the Church. The more that comes in, the more we can give. Mark the gift with Food Bank. People are so grateful. Thank you so much for your assistance.

25 april 2020

Thank you so much - ขอบคุณมาก - অনেক ধন্যবাদ

 Tack så mycket.        Thank you so much.
ขอบคุณมาก              অনেক ধন্যবাদ
Yesterday when I was going to teach in Streams of Grace Church the following words came very strong to me: Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Phil 4:4

                                                          It is not written:  
Rejoice in the Lord only before you are 65 year of age. 

My slogan is: 
Thank you all. I am very happy
 Ingvar (Fred)

20 april 2020

Fred 70 years today

My loved joy-distributor, encourager, Co-Pioneer and conqueror Ingvar (Fred) is today turning 70. You are welcome to join and celebrate him by praying for him and support the work Child Safe Communities and Streams of Grace Church, Ubon

Laos and Thailand have overmany years exported the maximum number of workers to the Tourist industry. Laos estimated that by 2020 they will have 4.5 million tourists. And Thailand will have about 40 million tourists in 2020. Some of these tourist jobs are good and build up, but others like prostitution, massage, bars, drugs etc gives much money but are very harmful to everyone.

Now they have to find new livelihood. This is very tough in Laos and Isaan because many fathers and mothers have left for the cities and southern Thailand, have new partners and now have no job. They cannot send money to their parents and their children that are left in Isaan and Laos.

The Church Streams of Grace is a new pioneer congregation that have had a good start. The music/praise/worship is a key in Ubon-Pakse.

So if you want to celebrate Ingvar (= Fred) pray and support Child Safe and the Church Streams of Grace. And Fred ....... will be very happy.

Thank you. God's blessings Anna

9 april 2020

Easter 2020

        Wishing you all a happy and meaningful Easter 2020.

Easter 2020 is indeed a very different Easter. Here in Ubon-Pakse we are not suffering due to sickness in Corona, but many are suffering due to no unemplyment. Many shops, restaurants, transports plus other places of work are more or less closed.

As the children are suffering the most, Child Safe is continuing to work slowly and carefully.

As adults are seeking peace with God, Streams of Grace Church is now working both inside the church and also visiting the homes. And we are sending Facebook Live. 

Ajarn Jeet made today a very special Easter decoration.

God Bless Ingvar(Fred) and Anna